With the cold weather coming, who is ready for a bowl of nice warm soup?
We know we are!
The Maugansville Goodwill Volunteer Fire Company Auxillary has you covered!
We will be selling 3 different kinds of soup in 2 different sizes!
On Saturday, February 26th starting at 10 AM until 1 PM (or SOLD OUT!) you will be able to purchase either a pint or a quart of your choice of soup:
- Chicken Corn Soup
- Beef Vegetable Soup
- Ham and Bean Soup
- Pint – $5
- Quart – $10
Country Ham Sandwiches are available for $5
Baked good of homemade goodies will also be available to purchase on the day of the event.
If you don’t want to miss out you can pre-order your soups by Feb 21st!
- Calling Nancy Baer at 301-797-5277
- Messaging us on our facebook page, @mgvfcteam13
- Use our Google Form! Link Coming Soon!
A limited amount of soup will be available for cash & carry the day of the event.
This event will be take out only as we continue to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 into the winter months.